Landslides represent a major risk for human settlements. Examples are the tragedies in Italy in 1963 and Sierra Leone in 2017, where thousands of human lives were lost. It is important to consider that landslides increase their probability of occurrence due to rainfall and earthquakes. Therefore, it is essential to monitor critical areas where geological and environmental risk factors are combined to generate early warnings.
Home » Services » Monitoring of Potential Landslide Areas
Sierra Leona, 2017
In this sense, monitoring by Differential Interferometry or DInSAR, allows to obtain periodic ground displacement data in centimeter and sub centimeter order with which potential risks can be estimated and thus generate early warnings. The SAOCOM® Constellation sensors can take samples every 8 days over a study area and represent a great advantage for displacement monitoring since, in addition, they have greater penetration capacity over vegetation than other sensors.
Ground displacement velocity at particular measurement points
Temporal evolution of displacement on individual points at tailings dam and natural terrain